Career Analysts ceased to be the Australian and NZ distributor for Morrisby products on 31/12/2023./ The new distributor is the Australian Centre for Career Education (ACCE). The new website is:

future work predictions

a new future of work
How might the developed world look for the next generation of job seekers?
A common topic of discussion when reviewing Morrisby Profile results is 'what are the jobs of the future?
Morrisby does not include careers such as 'Cyber city analyst', 'Personal data broker', 'Quantum programmer' and scores of other jobs and careers which appear in the literature below. The reason is that there are currently no bespoke qualifications, no structured pathways to entry, and limited coverage of these future careers in the mainstream career information portals. Many are also not 'first jobs' and are likely to be available only to those who are already well established in existing mainstream careers.
Rest assured that we are fully aware of the rapidly changing nature of work and as formalised training evolves or these careers become more commonplace we will be adding them to our current list of 625+ careers.
Picking an industry sector
Planning to be skilled and well positioned to succeed in the job market of the future makes sense, as long as you are not planning just around availability and the growth industries. There is a balance to find but it would be a sad world if achieving work satisfaction is not the focus of those starting out on their 40 + year working life.
Recent work on the near future of work is the role of the National Skills Commission. Their 2022 report outlining the expected future demand for over 700 careers/jobs including regional variations can be found here:
Not just qualifications
Finally, research is clear that employers are looking for more than technical skills and knowledge in their recruits. A key set of skills are 'transferable skills'. Morrisby are partners with The Skillsbuilder Partnership ( to manage the development and tracking of the 8 core skills of :
Listening, Speaking, Problem solving, Creativity, Staying positive, Aiming high, Leadership, Teamwork.